8 Hotels With Gallery-Worthy Art Collections

Art Process of Laura Naples
Art Process of Laura Naples, photo by Emma K Morris

MacArthur Place Hotel & Spa

“Check out the artist-in-residence program at Sonoma’s MacArthur Place. In partnership with Uprise Art, the Four-Star resort welcomes artists to stay and hosts open studios where they create art and explain their processes to any interested parties. The first resident of 2024 was New York-based abstract painter Eddie Perrote (March 31 through April 5). Painter Mia Farrington (May 19 to 24) and graphic sculptor Dan Covert (July 7 to 12) are next to call the hotel their temporary homes.

Art created during the residency becomes a permanent part of the hotel’s collection. MacArthur Place also partners with Aerena Galleries, a wine country gallery representing an impressive roster of emerging and established artists. Sculptures from Aerena, like a giant corkscrew by David Tanych and bronze wolf by Sharon Loper, are placed throughout the property.”

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